In a groundbreaking achievement, Ottogi’s ramen exports surged to an unprecedented $208 million in the first quarter, marking the highest ever recorded in the company’s history. This remarkable feat was largely attributed to a collaboration with global superstar BTS’ Jin, whose immense popularity and influence played a significant role in driving Ottogi’s sales to new heights.
The first quarter of this year witnessed Ottogi’s sales reaching a staggering 856.784 billion won, marking a notable 15.4% increase compared to the same period last year. The company also experienced a remarkable 10.7% growth in operating profit, amounting to 65.371 billion won. Ottogi’s US subsidiary played a vital role in this success story, as it recorded an impressive 26.6 billion won in sales during the first quarter, showcasing a substantial 40% increase from the previous year.
The powerful “super-exclusive effect” of BTS’ Jin once again proved to be a game-changer, cementing his position as a representative global superstar. Devoted fans of the chart-topping group eagerly flocked to online platforms like Amazon to certify their orders, contributing to Ottogi’s exponential growth. Jin’s undeniable charm, often described as “fundamental beauty,” coupled with his clean and wholesome image, captured the hearts of not only his fans but also the general public.
The impact of Jin’s collaboration with Ottogi was recognized on Mnet’s chart show ‘Girls Night Out,’ where ramen emerged as the number one advertisement that celebrities aspire to be a part of. During the show, BTS’ Jin and his endorsement of Jin Ramyun were highlighted as a successful case, resulting in a complete sell-out of the product.
The popularity of Ottogi Jin Ramen further soared when it claimed the top spot in the domestic general ramen market in February, surpassing its rival Nongshim’s Shin Ramen, according to consumer receipt analysis conducted by Cash Cow, the operator of the receipt reward app ‘What did you buy today.’ With an impressive 32.0% purchase experience, Jin Ramen emerged as the preferred choice among consumers.
Jin’s captivating portrayal in the Jin Ramen commercial, released on the official YouTube channel last November, garnered widespread acclaim. His ethereal beauty and compelling acting skills led to the advertisement becoming a sensation, ranking 9th and 11th on YouTube’s list of most popular videos.